We've made the joining process quick and easy. We know how difficult it can be when young learners are struggling in school - whether you're a school, local authority or family, when you're looking for support at speed, we're here.
Every learner has a free taster session so we can show them around the virtual classroom and build a plan of support. Book one here.
Whether it's 1:1 sessions, group classes, courses or a mix of them all - we'll work with you to create a personalised learning plan for your child. Check out our fees & packages here.
Visit our Timetables & Fees Page to see costs and buy online or work with our team to build the package and we'll sort payment via invoice. Register for Gaia Learning here.
When you're ready to go our team will allocate you the classes and educators via our online platform - simply login on our website and we'll see you in the virtual classroom!
Call us: 0151 808 0232
Gaia Learning, First Floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW
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